In a world full of hodgepodge and gobbledygook concerning every subject under the sun, it's easy to get lost in information. What you don't want, though, is to get lost in information that's pertinent to your overall health and well-being. That's where we step in as the HerbaZest team.
In common usage, an "herb" can be defined as any plant that serves a medicinal, culinary, or even industrial purpose; therefore, this includes your favorite fruits and vegetables as well. So, our goal is to provide you with accurate information about their nutritional and medicinal properties to help you make smart, healthy decisions.
Our site is not like "eat carrots because they're good for eyesight." More like "carrots' beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in the body, which is essential for the production of rhodopsin, the eye pigment responsible for sensing low-light situations." We also let you know about things like toxicity, or the whole skin-turns-yellow effect with carrot overdose. And instead of making you read through institute-funded research articles to understand what phytoconstituents REALLY do for you, we simplify it. It's that easy.
Because in the end, you shouldn't have to guess about your health; let us do all the hard work for you.